I try to make my teacher space as neat and as minimalistic as I can - just to make the next day start out on a calm note for myself. Sometimes I play a quick youtube math video to make the transition waiting time go more smoothly. Students line up to switch or if they're staying they wait on the carpet. On our off day, we do a guided drawing and writing project or a more-involved art project to connect to science or our read aloud. But this year, afternoons works out the best since we both have the same large, uninterrupted chunks of time here. Last year, I taught math in the morning and loved it. Students line up to switch classrooms for math with math journal and pencil boxes in hand. This year my favorite teacher down the hall and I switch a handful of students to better differentiate our groups. I like to use earning choice time as a whole-class-incentive to keep our transitions quick throughout the day (to earn more time to play) and to help students follow the multi-step end of day procedures efficiently. They can choose from things like Legos, blocks, house, games, dress-up, and the rest of the goodies I have stashed away. What is choice time? I stash a set of 4-5 choice activities behind the folder icon on our agenda that are like a surprise each day. If a student successfully follows through with the steps and the alarm for math hasn't gone off on my cell phone yet then they have a few precious moments to have choice time.